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It Is Time to Chimney Sweep

Falmouth Chimney Sweep services also include sweeping of your Wood, Coal, Pellet, Oil, or Gas Chimney Venting System, along with the prevention, detection, and correction of chimney

Chimney Services


As Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) Certified sweeps, we use state of the art equipment to inspect and sweep 1st and 2nd story chimneys of all kinds, including oil, wood, and gas burning chimneys. While sweeping your system, we ensure that it is in proper working order. Falmouth Chimney Sweep looks for any problems that could prevent peak performance and will recommend what is needed for your system to burn cleanly and safely.


When necessary, Falmouth Chimney Sweep uses video inspection camera equipment to examine hidden parts of the flue. To aid in the prevention of chimney fires, the National Fire Protection Association recommends that homeowners have their chimney inspected at least once a year. 

The National Fire Protection Association’s 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances is the standard upon which CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps base their services. This new standard now classifies chimney and venting system inspections into three levels.

Each level of inspection has a specific scope of work and specific criteria

Level I Inspection

This inspection is recommended when the chimney and venting system is easily accessible and when the homeowner is planning to maintain its current use. In general, this is the level of inspection performed in most homes. In a Level I inspection, a certified chimney sweep verifies that the chimney structure is sound and that the chimney is free of obstructions and combustible deposits such as creosote.

Level II Inspection

The addition of a new home heating appliance or a change in the type of fuel a homeowner is burning requires a Level II inspection. This inspection level is also required upon the sale or transfer of a property or after an operating malfunction or external event that is likely
to have caused damage to the chimney. The scope of a Level II inspection includes that of the Level I inspection plus the inspection of accessible portions of the attics, crawl spaces, and basements. It may also include a
performance test such as a smoke test or a pressure test and possibly an interior chimney video inspection if recommended by the certified chimney sweep.

Level III Inspection

When a Level I or Level II inspection suggests a hidden hazard and the evaluation cannot be performed without access to concealed areas, a Level III inspection is recommended. This type of inspection confirms the proper construction and condition of concealed portions of the chimney structure and the flue. Level III inspections are generally necessary when investigating an incident that has caused damage to a chimney or building, or where a hazard is detected and suspected.

Video Chimney Inspections

Although chimney sweeping is a very old profession, Falmouth Chimney Sweep also provides state of the art video inspections. This service is often requested by home inspectors, insurance companies, and engineering firms.


A carefully maintained schedule for sweeping the chimney system greatly reduces the risk of chimney fires and carbon monoxide dangers for the homeowner. A professionally done sweep removes the built up creosote and other products of combustion, ensuring proper draft for the flue. Sweeping also removes any animal or bird’s nests that may be in an uncapped flue and allows for a proper inspection of the flue liner. Regular sweeps are vital to the maintenance of the chimney flue for all wood burning fireplaces, wood,
coal, and pellet stoves, oil-heating systems, and for gas flues as well. At Falmouth Chimney Sweep, we send cards to all our customers to remind them when sweeps are due.

Chimney Caps

The best way to prevent moisture from rain and snow, animals, leaves, and other debris from entering your chimney is to install a chimney cap. The resulting problems from animals such as raccoons, squirrels, and birds entering a chimney can be extensive and very costly to remedy. Water in the chimney can compromise the entire structure. Our high quality, stainless steel caps with screens carry a lifetime warranty and we stock a wide range of sizes. Custom orders are no problem and we also specialize in Decorative Old Style English Chimney Pots.

Water Repellent Application

The most common problem with masonry chimneys is structural damage due to water penetration. Chimney brick is a porous material, and untreated brick allows water in to do damage to the chimney itself and ultimately the interior of the home. Falmouth Chimney Sweep uses ChimneySaver® Water Repellent to prevent or solve these water problems. ChimneySaver® comes with a 10 year warranty.

Chimney Draft Problem Resolution

If you are having problems with the drafting on your chimney, we are experts in analyzing and correcting them. Don’t let your draft problems limit the use of your chimney. Call us to figure them out and fix them!

More Services

Chimney Repair & Restoration

We offer the full range of repairs to chimney systems, big and small: from repairing leaky flashing, to tuck pointing and masonry repair, to relining theflue and chimney rebuilding.

Crown Repair & Reconstruction

Improperly built crowns are another common problem. If yours is cracked or poorly constructed, allowing water penetration or posing a fire hazard, we will build a proper concrete one that meets all state and local codes.

Chase Top Replacement

Leaky or damaged chase tops and those made of masonry are potential hazards on prefabricated metal fireplaces. Falmouth Chimney Sweep will
eliminate problems before they start by replacing masonry and rusty metal chase tops.

Water Leak or Condensation Resolution & Repair

If water is damaging your fireplace inside or out, we will find and fix it, no matter the source.

Zero-Clearance Fireplaces

Falmouth Chimney Sweep installs and repairs pre-fabricated fireplaces and chimneys. Zero- clearance fireplaces are engineered, pre-assembled fireplace units that can be installed in just about any location in your home.
Call us for an estimate.

Other Chimney or Fireplace Problems

With 27 years in the business we have seen it all. If you have problems or questions you don’t see here, give us a call. If we can’t resolve it we will refer you to someone who can. 

Falmouth Chimney Sweep provides written estimates for all repair work.

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